The association for helping students “Kosztolányi Dezső” – KODDE is founded in Year 1990. with the goal to support talented students, to stimulate their work and to encourage their collaboration with other nongovernmental organizations.
This association has the intention to make a society that is based on knowledge, and it supports the education through-out the life.
To achieve its goals, the association for helping students “Kosztolányi Dezső” – KODDE is collaborating with other associations and communities for helping students in the country and abroad as well. In public maters the association is expressing its opinion, for its membership and sympathizers
KODDE is organizing various manifestations, and helps in their education organizing courses and lectures. Supports the forming of united Europe, provides the flow of information about the activities of the KODDE community and regularly informs its members and sympathizers about it. With the help and cooperation of its members and other interested members of society, KODDE develops, organizes and/or supports work with families, social and humanitarian activities.
The KODDE association, among the mentioned activities of general benefit, coordinates the help for students and families, organizes education and development of capabilities, widens the knowledge, cultural activities, and helps preserving the cultural inheritance. Helps the groups of socially imbalanced people or families to find their position in the society. Supports the integration in the European Union.
The association works on the territory of the Republic of Serbia If we had awakened your interest, please contact us:
Udruženje za pomoć učenika „Kosztolányi Dezső” – KODDE
24000 Subotica
Maksima Gorkog 26
email: office@kodde.org.rs
web: www.kodde.org.rs